In 2018, both of us attended the YWAM Together Conference in Pattaya, Thailand. There we met while volunteering for the conference registration team. After this week in Thailand, we continued to send each other many WhatsApp messages, write real paper & ink letters to one another and send voice messages back and forth. Though we weren’t in the same country or even on the same continent, we grew closer together. Then, as we started dating, we began serving together in YWAM in Birmingham, Alabama in the United States. Our journey led from there to Germany. We co-led a Discipleship Training School in Nuremberg and got engaged in May 2020. As we prayed where God wanted us to start our lives together, we felt to fully transition from the U.S. to Germany. A few months later, in March 2021, we got married and joined YWAM Nuremberg, Germany as our missions base.

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Matthew 28:19

"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

We want to see a generation of radical Jesus-lovers who are willing to say yes to God’s call; who are willing to go before they are even asked.

Michal was born in Bangkok, Thailand. As a child of missionaries, she has lived in many parts of the world. In 2018, she stepped into full-time ministry. As she lives in the freedom Christ has given her, she wants to champion and bring young people with her onto this life-giving journey.


Sven was born and raised in Germany. He started serving full-time in 2013. Teaching, training & equipping young people unto wholehearted pursuit of fulfilling the Great Commission is part of his calling.

Together they want to set an example of what it can look like to love God and to love people. They love the nations and enjoy spending time with people one-on-one, hearing their stories and speaking life into their hearts. Collectively they travelled to and served in more than 30 nations.