Alone in my room, I knelt down and found that I was at a loss of words. As much as I wanted to pray, I couldn’t… In retrospect, I sense God’s delight over that act of worship. It’s strange to think that when I did nothing, God delighted in it.
Don't Worry
Morning Prayer
From child to soldier - a dark journey into the heart of evil
I saw terrible things... and I did terrible things. So if I’m talking to you, it will make me sad and it will make you too sad. In this life... I just want to be happy in this life. If I’m telling this to you... you will think that... I am some sort of beast... or devil. I am all of these things... but I also having mother... father... brother and sister once. They loved me.
The Cost Of Discipleship
Togetherness - The innate desire for connection
Our brains, as Brené Brown says, are hardwired for human connection. We desire to belong and we desire to be part of something that is greater than just ourselves. In these past months especially this has become apparent… Researchers have found that people with a healthy social network are less likely in need for counseling, psychotherapy or other mental support. Talking things over with a trusted friend can help regulate our emotions as we sort our thoughts.
Inner Homework - some thoughts on disruption
But what if this disruption is more than just some changed rules of societal behavior? What if, at our core, we are deeply affected by the ramifications of the current global development. What if we are grieving the loss of what we considered normal, safe & predictable? Our lives have been greatly disrupted - what now?
Take Flight
With wings spread, eager to jump off
the nest to fly, letting go and being free;
for the first time.
With legs in position to catapult into flight,
to fly high and free and wide;
for the first time.
With eyes looking to and fro, fascinated
by the beauty seen, anticipating new heights;
for the first time.
With a heart, beating fast as take-off approaches.
Nervously taking small steps to the edge;
for the first time.
And finally with wings flapping, boldly
leaving safety, the familiar. New, unknown, beauty;
for the first time.